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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

BB22: All Stars 2 Premiere

Good evening, guys & gals!! Tonight at 9p ET/8pm Central, we will have our 2 Hour Move-In Live Premiere! The live feeds will go live tonight after the West Coast airing. (I will be sound asleep by then, sadly). I'll update this post with snippets of tonight's live show with all the important info just in case you miss it.

So grab your snackies, put CBS on the TV at 9pm ET and enjoy the show!! :D

(this post will be update throughout the show)

Okay, the show is moving fast! But here's the breakdown...

The first 4 HG's to enter was Nicole F., Dani, Davonne and Christmas.

They had to compete for 2 spots in tonight's first HOH Comp of the season.
Only Christmas got her ball in, so she advances to the HOH Comp later on.

Then we had our next batch of 4 HG's: Enzo, Ian, Tyler and Kevin.

Ian was first to get his ball in, followed by Kevin. Both of them advance to the HOH Comp later on.

9:43pm ET:
The next 4 HG's are: Janelle, Bayleigh, Nicole A., and Keesha! (*OMG Keesha!!!!!)

9:51pm ET:
The only one to get their ball in is Nicole A. She advances to the HOH Comp later on.

9:56pm ET:
The final batch of HG's are Kaysar, Cody, Memphis and David.

The first one to finish is Memphis and then Cody. That's it!! Next up, is the HOH Comp!! Oh, and a twist.

10:17pm ET:
The All Stars (and Christmas) all met!

Julie tells them the 6 that won the advancement for the HOH Comp will play next.

10:25pm ET:
Memphis/Cody/Ian/Nicole A./Kevin/Christmas are gonna play the HOH Comp now.
When they're done with the comp, they have to pick an envelope but not open until Julie tells them.

Up next, is Cody.

Cody beat Memphis.
Up next, is Christmas.

She couldn't beat Cody's time, so she's out.

Next up is Kevin but he couldn't beat Cody's time.

Up next, is Nicole A. but she fails to beat Cody's time.

And so does Ian (sorry, no gif) which means...

The 1st HOH of the BB22 Season is:

Up next, we'll learn what is in the 6 envelopes!

Julie talks to Cody. Cody said he didn't wanna win HOH at first but after he saw his competition, and him not knowing anyone, he felt he had to. Now it's time for the envelopes.

One will win cash, the others will become the Have Not's for the week:

Ian: Have Not
Christmas: $5,000 (*this could make her an easy target.)
Nicole A.: Have Not
Memphis: Have Not
Kevin: Have Not

They're now going upstairs to see their Have Nots Room.

There was a production glitch and the door didn't open. lol

10:54pm ET:
Here's the Have Not Room...

On Sunday, Julie will tell us about a new twist called Safety Suite. Hmmm.

And Julie also mentioned that there are new rooms with twists in the house that will be revealed all summer.

And that's it for this blog post!!! Phewww, this was a long one! I'm so, soooooo excited for this season and I can't wait until the feeds come on tonight (after the West Coast airing)!

Speaking of feeds....
If you still need them, you get the 1st month FREE with Promo Code: PLAY or MORE (if you're a returning feedster). All ya gotta do is click right here!

Goodnight, y'all!! :D

Stay tuned...
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  1. What time do the live feeds start Eastern time?

  2. Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for many years and I wanted to finally drop a line and say thank you for all you do! I look forward to reading your blog every year!

    1. Thank you Becky!! So glad you came back for another season with me! :D

  3. Who will be the first alliance. I’m thinking one of the old school players gets evicted first

  4. I know they had to bring in some subs due to original guests testing positive for covid, but I still have to question some the cast choices. The biggest one being David. He was never "voted out." He never even really got to play. How does that equal all-star? Seems like there were a few others that could have been invited before him. Scotty or Brett from season 20 come to mind. There were so many great players who deserved it over some of these that made it on. Granted, I don't know who all was offered but refused.

    1. Agreed. They should retitle this season "All Stars and Second Chances" David and Christmas being in the latter category.

  5. So happy to see you back! Happy BB Season! Feeds don't seem to be letting me flashback to watch last night after the show, any ideas?

    1. Happy BB season!! :D Yea, flashback isnt working grr. I had to slide the scale to fish around.

  6. (and Christmas)....lmao. I was thinking the same thing.

  7. I'm glad David got in this year. He never had a chance. It was interesting how observant he was last year. I'm looking forward to watching his game play. So HAPPY Jamie is back to her blogging !!

  8. I am really happy that there is almost zero chance of showmances with this cast. It's been way too big a factor in most seasons and the past several years they've stacked the cast with young singles ready to mingle. I can't wait to see the game played without that aspect.

    I'm also really glad to see David back. He didn't do well in the game, but America loved him and they do this for us, right? Give the kid a chance!

  9. I was finally able to get the feeds through you! I’m excited for another year of your amazing updates!

  10. Am I the only one who thinks the first part of the hoh comp was rigged against the girls? Both girl groups had to go to the far end of the board and the guys only had to get to the first part. They should have made every group go to the same room on the maze.


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