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Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday: Nominations Ceremony (Spoiler)

What a mess, what a MESS this season is! haha Okay, so much has happened the last hour or so on the feeds, so let's get caught up really quick.

"But first.." , let's see who Memphis nominated.

Nominated for Eviction:


Dani to Cody: "Why is (Memphis) so mean to (David)?"
Cody: "I don't know why he's so aggressive with David."

Sounds like Memphis called David a "boy" in his speech during noms. Enzo told Dani/Cody "that sh*t was weird". 

It sounds like David might be the target this week and Nicole A. is just a pawn. Or maybe Memphis doesn't care which one goes. I'm not sure yet.

So, how did we get here? Well, as I posted earlier (scroll down 1 post) Christmas won the Safety Suite Comp and named Ian as her plus one. So both Christmas and Ian are safe this week. Ian was Memphis' target this week. This pissed Memphis off. David was always going to go up.

Fast forward a little bit to pre-noms...

Tyler/Dani have been bonding the past 24 hrs and it seems that Dani is picking Tyler as her main HG to game with. Time will tell on this, but that's what it appears is forming at the moment. While Tyler/Dani talked today,
she mentioned they (T/D) and Cody maybe being a 3 person alliance. Why? Because Dani/Tyler/Cody/Nicole F./Christmas are all pissed because Memphis isn't telling them who he's going to put up. (It's worth noting that Memphis did talk to Enzo and they bounced ideas off each other.) Also, Dani no longer trusts Nicole F. because she claims she doesn't talk game with Ian (NF/Ian are F2's) but yet saved him twice: once from being slop by volunteering and the 2nd time by getting Christmas to make Ian her +1 from the Safety Suite comp today. Nicole F. is showing her cards and way early in the game. Not good.

Tyler to Dani (alone): "After this week, one of us wins and show Memphis how a real alliance works."

Moving on...

Memphis talked to Bay and, in a nutshell, said that if he doesn't put her up then he wants that reciprocated in the future. He also mentioned during that same convo that he's not sure what he's doing yet. Bay handled the convo really well.

Memphis and Christmas also talked alone...

Memphis: "Nicole f*cking F. made his decisions for him to not put anyone on slop. She volunteered for him. Nicole saved his a*s this morning, you saved his a*s this afternoon."

And last but not least..

The 1 month free live feeds deal is ending on Sunday! See what I'm seeing by getting'em! This season is just getting started and it's gonna be messy! :D

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1 comment:

  1. I tried to get the feeds through you but it isn’t available in my ‘region’ 🙄


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