Watch BB22!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday: The Overnighter (highlights)

Happy Monday, y'all! As I said on Twitter and Instagram this morning, the Overnighter was going to be late today due to having a final walk through of our house. I just got home and I'm going to do a highlights version of the Overnighter for two reasons: (1) the number of alliances created will make your head spin, even I can't keep up (2) the HG's are already up and talking game, so I have to keep moving forward and watch the feeds. 

Okay, so here's the highlights:

*Today is the Veto Ceremony, where POV winner Enzo is expected to NOT use the veto. So either Keesha or Kevin will be evicted come Thursday night. (*I said this on Twitter yesterday, but I totally expect a Battle Back or something similar. There's no way BB is going to let Keesha go. She's been treading on Twitter for weeks prior to the premiere and continues to do so.) 

*The backyard finally opened up last night! Yay!! (8pm BBT) Ian, who told HG's a few days ago that he has Autism, was in need of his hammock and some fresh air. 


*Last night, Ian and his beloved hammock were joyfully reunited. It's also worth noting that Kaysar told Ian he believes he is on the Autism spectrum as well and offered Ian to talk to him anytime he needs to. Awww!

 *Kevin, along with most of the house, is targeting Janelle/Kaysar if they win HOH. (*Remember on the show when Kevin said he would go after Cody? Yea. Not anymore.) I sense this will be a recurring theme every week until they're gone. Janelle, on the other hand, would target Nicole F and sees that Nicole F./Cody are working together.

*An hour later, Kevin changed his mind and told Nicole A. that he wants work with Kaysar. *head desk*

*There were multiple new alliances/side alliances formed yesterday. It doesn't even matter to list them at this point, as they'll have to start turning on each other very quickly. You can't have this many alliances and side deals WITH THE SAME FREAKIN' PEOPLE and not trip over each other. It's gonna be glorious to watch unravel on the feeds! :D That reminds me, I gotta buy more popcorn.

*In a surprising twist, Nicole F. wants to work with Janelle..the girl she fears the most in the house.

*Both Kevin and Keesha did some campaigning. Enzo told Keesha how Cody wants the noms the same and he's going to "go with the house" vote.(*Aww man, not this sh*t again.)

*Dani told Nicole F. she thinks Ian is using his Autism as a "strategy". Nicole F. agreed and said "it's great strategy". Yikes!

*Cody/Enzo are onto Tyler's act of act of just saying "yes" to whatever they say while not giving them anything of substance back. Enzo said it's because Tyler doesn't want to lock himself into anything just yet alliance-wise. 

*Keesha is still fighting to stay and thinks she can pull it off. 

*David is still in the house. He farted on the hammock last night on the feeds. That's the most he's done since moving in.

And that's it for the Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony but you can skip this one, as nothing is going to happen then. It's only Monday and anything can change, so we'll have to see how the week plays out! 

My schedule is going to be wonky at times for the next 2 weeks until we move, but then it'll go back to normal. Just hang in there! For the most part, I'll be able to focus on BB when I'm not at work. Thanks for y'alls patience as I try to juggle all of this!! Appreciate it!

Stay tuned...

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  1. Thanks Jamie. Great to have BB and your blog back! I, like many, am loving Jannele and Kaysar. But I really don't think Kaysar is playing a very good game. Yes, he is very likable but he is working too hard and too early. He's too cerebral for most of these people and I think they seem them as working the social game too hard. Hopefully dynamics change for the better in week 2.

    James D

    1. I don't know that he had a choice, as he correctly suspected he was first up on the block. Gotta play the hand you're dealt.

  2. hey James!! Yea I totally agree, I love Kaysar but he came out of the gate a little too hard too fast. The good news is that he caught himself and pulled back the reigns. Hopefully not too much damage done and his game is recoverable. Not looking good right now, though :(

  3. Congrats on your new home Jamie, how exciting. We understand that you will need to focus on moving in when the time comes, and post when you can. Glad you’re back, love the blood.

  4. LOL LOL LOL about David - - - - Hilarious!

  5. hi! Random question, but I only started watching from season 16 so don't know Keesha, why do people stan her so much? To me she doesn't seem to be doing much this season and is pretty boring. Sorry not trying to hurt anybodys feelings :)

    1. Keesha was great at the game and if it wasn't for Dan/Memphis having a f2 (the renegades), she would've made it to F3 and even Memphis just said the other day she would've made it F2 for sure, if not win the game.

      Memphis/Keesha had a f2 but Memphis was more loyal to Dan. So he cut her at F4 and she was devastated. Gutted. It was hard to stomach while watching. They took an old man (Jerry) that was mean to f3 because they could beat him in f3 comps and definitely win against him if he made it to f3. It was a good plan by Memphis/Dan, and Dan won. But it was fully at Keesha's expense.

      Go to youtube and type in bb keesha to watch some videos. they'll give you an idea of how great she was.

      This time around, she's laying low and taking it she should be. But now that she could be first to go? That's like throwing salt on a 10 yr wound for her/us fans.

    2. thanks Jamie for this background! I'll actually go and search some clips and maybe become a stan myself lol. Appreciate your response!

    3. lmaoo I just watched Keesha birthday 1 and 2, what a complete mess! Anybody want cake?

  6. Thank you Jamie, and congratulations on the new house.👊


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