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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Veto Comp (Spoiler)

Good morning, BB fans! The Veto Comp got started really late last night (7:25pm BBT)  and the feeds didn't come back on until 9:51pm BBT

Winner of the POV is:

So this isn't good news for #SaveKeesha or Kevin. Within a half hour, Enzo mentioned to Tyler the possibly using the veto to backdoor someone and make a big move, but will do whatever Cody wants. Later on (10:50pm BBT) he told Cody he'll do whatever he wants him to do and Cody told Enzo to keep the noms the same. 

So that's that! The veto was won and, as of now, won't be used. Enzo seems to be interested in making a power move this week but won't go against Cody to do it. The question now becomes, who will be the first houseguest to get evicted; Keesha or Kevin? Personally, I think it's tragic that Keesha would be the first to go but what do you guys & gals think? 

Veto Ceremony is tomorrow (Monday). Since the veto was so late and thus not a lot of game talking on the feeds, there's no need for an Overnighter this morning. It's also Sunday Funday for me, so I will begin blogging again tomorrow morning. Don't forget that tonight is a new episode of Big Brother! (The normal time slot is 8pm ET but it's delayed tonight until 10pm ET, according to CBS.) I'm really looking forward to seeing the DR's to see where everyones heads are at in the game. There's a ton of F2 deals and so many half-a**ed thrown together alliances, that it's hard to keep up with. lol So we need to see who's lying and who's loyal. It'll be interesting! 

Have a great Sunday Funday!! :D

Stay tuned...

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  1. No need for an overnighter?!? We found out Enzo had a job selling crayons door to door, then worked in a nipple factory, and got his nickname because a drunk girl farted in his car!
    Have a great Sunday off!

  2. lol!!! And also Keesha called Tyler "Taylor" and "Trevor" hahaha


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