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Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday: Veto Ceremony (Spoiler)

Happy Monday to y'all! The HG's had their Veto Ceremony today and...

Cody did NOT use the veto
Kevin/David remain on the block

As we know, Kevin is the target this week and I don't see that changing this week 

The feeds have been about as fun as watching paint dry lately and I suspect that, like every other week from Mon-Weds this season, they'll remain boring. It's why there's no Overnighters or anything to even update with the spoiler updates.

Don't forget that this Thursday's live eviction is going to be a TRIPLE eviction! Yay!!! That will speed things up and force the big alliance in the house to fall apart. It's a 2 hour long episode, so make sure you bring a big bag of popcorn. lol 

Okie dokie, well since the feeds are dead as a doorknob, I'm going to take the next couple of days off. I know most of y'all are as checked out (right now), but hang in there. It'll get better for the last few weeks of the season. Thursday cannot come fast enough. See y'all then!! :D


  1. Do they know it's a triple eviction night?

    1. No. They don't even know it's a double lol

    2. Actually they got a hint. Dumbest S$%# ever.

      From bb daily at 10:45

      Memphis- "Three steps ahead". The only thing I can think of is that it's three evictions. Christmas- A triple eviction? Memphis- But there is not enough time. Christmas- It would be dumb cause you milk a whole week. Memphis- There would be no drama with that, or gameplay

      Memphis- If nothing happens (tomorrow) and they do a double on Thursday, why would they even hint to it? What's the fucking point? You ruin the surprise. Christmas- I dont think that's what they would be saying #BB22

  2. Will they be told before the live show that it's 3 evictions. Would love to ha e them surprised.

  3. Crossing my fingers that somehow Memphis and Cody follow Kevin out the door.

  4. Where is Dr. Will? He hasn’t done anything all week. What was the point of him “moving in next door”?


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