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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday: Live Eviction Episode (HOH Winner Spoiler)

Good evening, ladies & gents! It's time for the live eviction and the start of the HOH comp! I got word from CBS earlier today that the HOH Comp will be shown on the live feeds, so make sure you have them fired up and ready to go!

I'll be live blogging for anyone that won't be able to watch, so refresh this post periodically for the next hour. And here we go!!

8:00pm ET:
Show begins..

The Votes:

Dani votes to evict...Bayleigh
Ian votes to evict...Bayleigh
Cody votes to evict...Bayleigh
Enzo votes to evict...Bayleigh
Tyler votes to evict...Bayleigh
David votes to evict...Bayleigh
Memphis votes to evict...Bayleigh
Nicole votes to evict...Bayleigh
Kevin votes to evict...Bayleigh

Evicted from the BB House is:

The HOH Comp is the wall endurance comp!! Watch it on the live feeds!!


Next Weds show will be on Tuesday night instead. Thursday will be the normal live eviction episode, first jury member.  If the HOH is crowned in the next 2 hours, I'll update it here! Can't wait? Watch the HOH Comp right now on the live feeds!!!

UPDATED @ 9:26pm ET:
Davonne is out.

Winner of the HOH Comp is:


  1. Soooooooo happy Bayleigh is gone!!!

  2. where is the post that details what the powers do?

    1. Sept 5th has 2 of the 3 powers listed.

    2. DISRUPTOR is David
      REPLAY is Dani
      BLOCK is Xmas

  3. Was hoping for Ian to win, make some of them nervous. Not pleased with the way they are making fun of Ian and his autism.

  4. Wonder if Dani will take a shot at Tyler???

  5. I don't understand why Julie doesn't have to wear a mask but the evicted houseguest does. I would think she would be more likely to spread the virus to the houseguest, then they would to her. Or, at least put up a clear barrier between them while they do the interview

    1. My daughter and I discussed the same thing. They have been living in a bubble.


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