Good evening, BB addicts! Tonight's eviction is not going to be live, it was pre-taped earlier today. Why? I have no clue. (I've been at work all day so I didn't do much digging on that.) We knew this season we would be without a live audience, but that was all Julie said. I think they even advertised it as "live", if I'm not mistaken. *shrugs* Who knows.
We shouldn't be surprised tonight, as Keesha is still slated to get the BB boot and be the first houseguest evicted this season. Keesha was told today (I think it was by Davonne) that she's getting evicted, so even Keesha won't be blindsided. I'm anxious to see if Julie says anything about a Battle Back comp this season when Keesha is evicted.
Tonight's HOH Comp looks like it might be a question comp, since the HG's were told to wear whatever they want. I'll update this post with the usual: the votes, the evicted HG, and the HOH winner. So sit back, watch and enjoy the show at 8pm ET!! (*New time this season.)
8:00pm ET:
The show begins...
8:20pm ET:
Showing footage from the past few days like Cody/Memphis naming their alliance "The Commission" and then forming their 6 person alliance.
8:22pm ET:
Time for the votes!! But first, final speeches from the noms.
Keesha: "I wish the MOST of you the best of luck." (*Whoa!)
Kevin: "If you vote to keep me, we can shine bright together."
The Votes:
*David votes to evict...KEESHA
*Nicole A. votes to evict...KEESHA
*Ian votes to evict...KEESHA
*Nicole F. votes to evict...KEESHA
*Tyler votes to evict...KEESHA
*Christmas votes to evict...KEESHA
*Kaysar votes to evict...KEESHA
*Bayliegh votes to evict...KEESHA
*Davonne votes to evict...KEESHA
*Janelle votes to evict...KEESHA
*Enzo votes to evict...KEESHA
*Dani votes to evict...KEESHA
*Memphis votes to evict...KEESHA
Evicted from the BB House is:
Keesha said that Enzo and Cody avoided her all day and never warned her that she was leaving, like they said they would. (*Day told her she was going though, so she knew.) Julie told Keesha she's going home. (So no Battle Back, it seems.)
8:43pm ET:
Time for the HOH Comp!
Winner of the HOH Comp is:
We'll have to see if Memphis is still planning on putting up Ian/Bayleigh as noms. It'll either be an interesting week, or a Cody 2.0 week. Fun fact: This is Memphis' first HOH win ever.
Have a good night guys & gals!! I'll see y'all in the morning with The Overnighter and we'll see what Memphis plans on doing this week. Goodnight, y'all!
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