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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Thursday: The Overnighter

Happy Live Eviction Day!!! Well, kinda. Our beloved Keesha is getting evicted tonight, despite her actually trying to get votes yesterday. We've seen this coming pretty much all week, so I think I'm numb to it at this point. Janelle said something interesting yesterday that makes us BB fans think there may be a Battle Back comp to bring back an evicted HG. Janelle asked production if she was evicted Week 1 or 2, when would she go home. Production told her not until September.  As you guys know, this is what I've been thinking for days now. It just makes sense, especially during an All Stars season.

So like I said, Keesha started campaigning yesterday, after Davonne told her she should. This happened around 4pm BBT.
Then, per Kaysar's advice, Keesha went and talked to Cody in the HOH room. While Cody doesn't have a vote as the HOH, he does have influence and Keesha knows this.

At 4:58pm BBT, Janelle and Bayleigh were talking. 
Janelle asked why do people do what the HOH wants them to do. Bayleigh said it's kinda the rule. Janelle asked her how is that strategic though and said that back in her seasons, they'd go against the HOH and do whatever they wanted.(*I miss the old days of BB.)

Funniest moment of the night: 
Bay thinks that if Nicole F. won HOH, that she wouldn't target girls. Ha!

In case you're wondering, David is still in the house. I tend to forget he's there until he walks into the frame of the camera. Bay thinks David is playing dumb, while Janelle disagreed and said he knows more than he lets on. (*I dont think David is acting, but we'll see.)

In other news, Cody thinks there's an all girls alliance. (*There's not, although Jani/Bay talked about that possibility yesterday and Bay started to think maybe its a good idea to keep Keesha around then..which is what Jani wanted.) This all fell apart eventually throughout the night. Bay told Cody she thinks Janelle is playing her. 
Last night, Davonne ratted out Janelle for "scrambling" to get votes for Keesha. She pointed out to Cody how Jani/Bay were talking alone.  Cody called Janelle "the ringleader". Day told Cody that she doesn't wanna work with Janelle and that she'd be "a fool" to work with her (she doesn't trust Jani).

And then we have Kaysar. *sigh* He sadly has the worst read on the house. He thinks him/Jani are "in a good spot". (Hunny, y'all couldn't be in the worst spot.) 
This morning, Janelle told Cody that Day told Christmas that Keesha was staying. (*This is true but will Cody believe her? Probably not.)

And that's it for The Overnighter! Janelle worked her butt off trying to get votes for Keesha to stay, while Keesha barely tried to save her own as*.
Heading into tonight's live eviction show, Janelle and Kaysar must win HOH if they want a shot at surviving another week, or at the very least, Kaysar needs to start opening his eyes more. Memphis winning HOH would also be interesting, as he said he'd put up Ian/Bay. We need lines in the sand drawn so that this game can actually get started. Right now, it's kinda stale. 

I will be back tonight to blog tonight's live eviction as it happens, so make sure to come back then with your snackies in hand!! :D

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  1. I am so glad you still did the blog - it's what I read every morning!
    Congrats on your new home - very exciting!

    1. Raz!!! How are you??! I'll try to post every morning around the same time frame for ya, but they're gonna be late here and there for another week. And thank you for the congrats! Appreciate it!

  2. Thank you Jaime. I have followed your blog since season 16 and I appreciate the time it takes to keep straight all the nonsense. Congratulations on the new house.

    1. thank you so much!! And thanks for being with me all these years, that's so aweome! :D


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