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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday: The Overnighter

What a mess this season is. lol *sigh* Anyway, hey everybody and Happy Tuesday! haha As we learned yesterday, Enzo did not use the veto. This means that either Kevin or Keesha will be evicted on Thursday night. At this point, it seems like Kevin wants to stay more than Keesha does. It's either that, or Keesha is just laying low until closer to Thursday before she goes hard on the campaign trail. 

The votes...*rubs temples*...Not only do I not know what's happening with the votes, but it seems that even the houseguests don't know what's going to happen with the votes. I think he problem is that nobody really cares which one goes. 

Let's do some breakdown of the voting:

*Davonne doesn't know who's voting for which HG. Dani said she doesn't know either.
*Memphis said he's sure everyone will vote the same way .
*Ian told Nicole A. that he will vote how he wants, he doesn't do the whole 'vote with the house' thing.
*Nicole A told Memphis maybe its too early in the week & that's why nobody knows who to vote for.
*Memphis wants a unanimous vote
*Memphis told Kaysar the other morning that he loves Keesha but he cant trust her because of how he ended her game a decade ago. Yesterday, he said something similar to Nicole A., that he's not partial either way on the vote and there's "no love lost" there with Keesha because of their BB past.

*Kevin/Day think the vote will be close because Keesha told Day she has 7 votes
*Kevin said that Memphis is campaigning for Keesha
*Dani wants Kevin to stay and so does Bayleigh.
*Christmas said neither Kevin/Keesha have talked to her for her vote, so its a coin flip.
*Kevin told Nicole A that he thinks he has votes from her/Enzo/Dani/Bay/Day/David. Also, Tyler later on told Kevin hes gonna fight to keep him there.

Ugh. What a mess.

Moving on...

My favorite line of the night:

Kaysar: "This is the most boring week ever in BB history and this is supposed to be all stars."

I couldn't agree more. I think everyone is scared to make any real moves this early in the game. Don't worry, the game will get more intense in the next couple of weeks for sure.

In other news, Kaysar/Day did some bonding yesterday. (8:45pm BBT) They said nobody is asking them how they're voting. Day said everyone is talking surface level with her about previous seasons, while she wants to talk about their current season. Kaysar wonders if he's too intimadating for others to approach him. Day told him he gives off a "I came here to play. Leave me alone." vibe. Kaysar said he came into the house wanting to be more 'fly under the radar'. 

Next up, we have yet another night of Nicole F. crying and playing victim. At 1:15am BBT, Nicole F. was talking to Janelle in a casual convo about her (NF) dating past BB players (she mentioned Cory) and how Victor wanted to date her when she didn't want to date anyone at the time.


Fast forward to 2:16am BBT, Nicole is crying to Christmas and Cody about how she just wanted to go to bed but people are "torturing" her. She said Janelle keeps bringing up Cory (*Nicole is the one who brought Cory's name up) and how she (Nicole F.) thinks she probably said things that she (NF) shouldn't have and now she's scared she'll get in trouble. Christmas said Janelle is doing it to get into Nicole's head. Nicole F. agrees. 

Christmas/Cody tried to lighten up the conversation and it worked for about a minute until Nicole realized the conversation was no longer about her. Then cue the waterworks and victim act.

Nicole: "(Janelle) is just being f*cking annoyinnnng! Like, I hate being tortured by peoplllee. Like, I'm tired and just wanted to go to bed at 10 o' clooooock. And I swear they're staying up just so that I can't get any sleeeeep. (Janelle) never has to wear her freakin' costuuuume.." (*and that's about all the whining I can take. lol I'm done.)

And that's it for the Overnighter!! Kevin and Keesha have all day today and tomorrow to campaign. If they don't, then I expect another boring day of feeds. (*I hope I'm wrong.) Keesha did mention that she's going to try to get Ian's vote today, so we have that to look forward to I guess. Hope y'all have a great Tuesday!! If I can, I'll do a mini update later on and I'll post it on Twitter and Insta. :)

Stay tuned...

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  1. All the pregame alliances have killed this season already. Most People came in knowing who they were going to work with.

  2. Nicole F is such a bore and cry, cry, cry - I'm ready for her to go!

  3. I really hope this isn’t a prelude to what’s going to happen all season. Was very skeptical of the cast, hope I’m wrong!


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