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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Weds: The Overnighter

Happy Hump Day, BB addicts!! Just a reminder that my schedule for the next 1 1/2 weeks is going to be all over the map as we finalize buying our new house, moving, and settling in. (I wasn't going to blog this season because I knew my schedule was going to be hectic for awhile, but decided to do it at the last minute). I'm giving y'all every ounce of free time I have, as little as that is at the moment. I'll be happy when this transition is over and I can stop eating dinner an hour before I have to go to bed because I'm too busy to even eat. lol 

Okay, so I've avoided talking about something thus far (because I wasn't sure how true it was or not) but I can no longer not talk about it: it appears that there was a bunch of pre-game alliances formed and it's all leading back to former BB winner Derrick. For the record, he has come out and denied it, but nobody is believing him. Like, nobody. lol The word on the street is that Derrick set up a Cody and Nicole F. pre-game alliance and possibly others as well. 

Janelle and Dani talked yesterday on the feeds about working together from their own pre-game alliance. So this makes sense why everything is so off this season. It's not unfolding organically. For this reason, I hope Cody and/or Nicole quickly just because it will reset a lot of stuff.

Speaking of alliances, there's another new chart out:

 (Courtesy of @BBsquirrel on Twitter)

Note: This chart doesn't include the alliance of David/Bay/Davonne, which was formed yesterday. 

Moving on...

The Have Not's are done for the week as of midnight last night and the HG's all got a very small amount of booze delivered. Also, the HG's had their Covid-19 tests done yesterday. (All of them will continue to be tested throughout the season.) 

Game wise, Janelle did more campaigning for Keesha yesterday than Keesha did for herself. At this point, it seems that Keesha willl be the one evicted come Thursday night, unless something switches. I wish Keesha would try because it wouldn't take much to sway HG's vote since nobody really cares which one goes home this week anyway. Where's that fire she had in BB10?! Gahhh. So frustrating.

Some cliffnotes from yesterday and last night so that we're all caught up to speed:

*Cody/Dani are butting heads recently. The first time was when Cody/Dani had a small argument about how serious Covid-19 is. Dani takes it seriously, while Cody doesn't take it as serious. The second time was yesterday when Dani (again) talked about she thinks Ian is using his autism as "strategy". Cody disagreed with her and said he just thinks that's "Ian being Ian". Then yesterday, Cody told Nicole F. that he is "wary" of Dani. It hasn't even been a week and already they're not on the same page. This is not going to end well. lol

*Janelle/Nicole A. compared notes on how Cody/Nicole F. are "inseparable", so they're clearly working together.

*Tyler and Christmas had a chat yesterday. Tyler is a little skeptical about how much their alliance isn't talking as a group, unlike with L6 in his season. He said that "If they dont give us any (info), we'll know they're not legit". 

*Enzo told Cody that Nicole F "has got to go" at some point because shes a former winner. Cody said that NF is loyal. (He's trying to protect his f2) This alliance is already cracking.

*Davonne told us feedsters that she knows us fans wanted to see her/Keesha work together but she can't do that now because it could mess up her own game.

*Nicole F. cried yet again & Christmas had to comfort her. I refuse to cover this. She's exhausting.

*Janelle and Kaysar are trouble come Thursday night, if they don't win HOH. 

And that's it for The Overnighter! Tonight we will get a new episode of BB22 at 8pm ET. I can't wait to see the D.R.'s! I'm hoping it'll clear a lot of questions for us.

I will be back tomorrow morning with another Overnighter (no update tonight, sorry guys). For what it's worth, I don't expect anything to happen today anyway. Hope y'all have a great Wednesday and don't forget to watch the show tonight!! :D

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