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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday: The Overnighter (Basement Power Used)

Happy Saturday, BB addicts! Yesterday, Dani had her nomination ceremony and...

Originally Nominated for Eviction was:

After the nom ceremony, David pulled out his best acting skills and pretended to be upset at the noms. Later on, he went into the DR and used his basement power to take himself off the block. Then Dani had to make a renom. She chose Tyler. So as it stands...

Currently Nominated for Eviction is:

Surprisingly, Tyler doesn't seem to be Dani's target this week, at least not openly. She knows that Tyler has the votes to stay this week as of now. Dani told Tyler he has a shot at the veto so he can save himself. This means that if he doesn't win it and stays on the block, it wouldn't be a technical "backdoor" since he got play for veto. 

Either Dani is being truthful that Tyler isn't her target, or she's acting like he's not her target until after veto is played and then she can see what she wants to do next. Knowing Dani's gameplay from past seasons, I had (correctly) figured that she'd originally tell people that she's not targeting/nominating Tyler and put out feelers to see how people in her alliance felt about the possibility and yesterday she did exactly that. Now that Tyler is on the block, I suspect that she'll want to get him out still, but will wait until after veto before opening up that can of worms and putting more feelers out to see if the alliance would maybe make the move to get him out this week. That's my guess, but we'll have to wait and see.

Also, keep in mind that Xmas could use her blocker power that can be used at the next 2 veto ceremonies to prevent herself from being a renom. So let's say Tyler or Kevin wins veto and pulls themselves off the block, then Dani could try to make Xmas the renom/pawn, only to have Xmas block herself from going up. This would mean that Dani would have to make a 5th nomination during her HOH reign. Not good.

Dani said yesterday that if any of the 2 noms come down, then she hopes that Xmas will volunteer herself as a pawn again like she did a couple weeks ago. (*I really don't see that happening, though.) She asked Nicole to help her to get Xmas to volunteer as the pawn if need be. Cody said if he wins veto, he'll tell Tyler he can't save him because that would make Dani have to make yet another nom choice and that wouldn't be good for her. 

And last but not least...
David made his rounds around the house yesterday asking who saved him from the block with the basement power. Nobody was buying his bad acting, though. lol

And that's it for The Overnighter!! I like that this week isn't as predictable as it has been all season long, and for that, I'm grateful. A little confusing, but fun. So let's see who wins the veto today and we'll take it from there! Have a great Saturday, guys & gals!! :D


  1. I wish David could go. He’s a terrible player and now trying to act all innocent when they know he used the power on himself. I hope Tyler wins the veto.

  2. I am glad people are enjoying the gameplay again. The powers did the trick! I wonder if there will be another twist since all 3 powers may get used pretty soon.

    I think cody enzo and christmas are un the best positions so far. People are starting to look at ian. Memphis is not getting saved if he goes up after all his talk etc. I never understand how people dont see right through nicole. Tyler blew his own game and doesnt seen determined to save it yet. Da'vonne might actually skate by if she builds some trust. David and kevin ugh we all know not to expect much.
    Lastly dani, she is in a great spot also, i think it will be a toss up who wins when her and cody go at it or maybe their f2 is real???


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