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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday: Veto Comp (Spoiler)

Good evening, everyone! The Veto Comp was held today and...

Winner of the Veto is:

Yayyy Day!! A huge congrats on her first comp win!! Okay, so this is gonna be a mess this week. lol As it stands, Day/Dani talked and Day said she's not sure if she's gonna use it to save Kevin or not, so they're gonna talk about it later. I still think that Tyler is Dani's target this week and will try to get the votes to get him out. Tyler, again, said today that he doesn't wanna go to jury but it's looking that way. 

I've been waiting for 2 hours to post this update in hopes of having more details to share with y'all, but there's been nothing concrete as of now.

In other news...
Janelle and Kaysar held a 1 hour live chat on Instagram this evening. 


It was fantastic and I highly recommend y'all give it a watch! (Kaysar said he's going to post it for everyone to re-watch later). The first 10 minutes, they talk about bunnies but after that is when it gets really good. 

Okay y'all, I'll be back in the morning! Until then, have a great night!! :D

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