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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday: The Overnighter

Happy Thursday & Live Eviction Day!! This week seemed like it dragged on and onnnnn. Finally eviction day/new HOH day is upon us. If we want this game to actually be played, we need to root for Davonne, Kevin or David to win HOH tonight. Otherwise, we can expect the same type of noms (Kevin/David or Day/Kevin or Day/David) and a predictable week again. I wouldn't be too upset with a Tyler win either, because he *may* go after some big fish but I have a feeling he'll just think its "too early" to pull the trigger on bigger targets, as we slide into Week 7 and are halfway through the season already. 

Speaking of, yesterday the HG's had their half-way party. The feeds were down during it, so I have no clue what it all entailed. 

Anyway, nothing changed overnight. Ian is still slated to be the first one sent packing to the jury house tonight. He knows it at this point and spent all day yesterday campaigning hard for votes but it fell on deaf ears. He's trying to get at least 4 votes, which would force Dani to do a tiebreaker (which Dani absolutely does not want) or 5 votes to stay. At this point, it's not looking good. Even Nicole probably won't throwing him a pity vote and will most likely...say it with me, kids..."vote with the house" if Ian can't get the 4 votes needed to force a tie.

Ian told Nicole that it'd be good for her game to actually give him a vote (and I agree). He said it would show that she's loyal. Good point. In my opinion, it'd also protect her from someone throwing a hinky vote and blaming her for it, so it'd be better to just be vocal about it and do it. It would also be good for her own game to protect her definite jury vote if she were to make it to F2. This whole "vote with the house" bullsh*t needs to die a death. It's ridiculous. 

In other news...
We have this: 


The video clip on TMZ has it bleeped out but there's an unedited version floating around on Twitter.

And that's it for The Overnighter! Tonight's live eviction and HOH Comp starts at 8pm ET. I'll be here live-blogging tonight's episode as usual for those of you who won't be near a TV or live on the West Coast, so make sure to come back and bring your snackies with ya!! See y'all tonight!!


  1. Someone thought that's what Memphis was going to say. He didn't say anything. Very terrible trying to ruin someone just because they don't like him.

    1. You can hear him about to say it and Cody then stopped him. Why would Cody have acted so fast to stop him if he was saying something like idiot? He’s very terrible for thinking it..

    2. He did say it and no where did Cody stop him from saying it

    3. I don't like mephis at all. He was starting to say Nicole. And he stopped because she was walking in the door. Watch the full clip. Stop assuming and putting the worst on people on a assumption.

  2. He definitely said the N word and for anybody who saw and read the unedited version KNOWS that he said that it too. He's racist and has been attacking David since day 1. I personally dont like the way David is playing the game but it's Obvious that Memphis has no other reason to hate him the way that he does other than him being what Memphis likes to refer to him as. (The N word)

  3. He was about to say it then caught himself.

  4. Just a question ... why do contestants need a mask when leaving? They have been sequestered but Julie ( love her) doesn’t need to have one, makes no sense

    1. i dunno, but you're right. makes zero sense.


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