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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday: Live Eviction + HOH Comp

Good evening, ladies & gents! Tonight we will sadly see Ian get evicted (unless something has changed in the past couple of hours while the feeds were off), and then the HG's will battle it out in the HOH Comp. Dani still has her power to use (which would allow her to play in tonights HOH comp), so we'll have to wait and see if she uses it or not. 

The votes will likely be 5-3, with Ian going. Nicole & Co. came up with a plan to act like it'll be a 4-4 vote, but Nicole won't vote for her ally to stay and then they'll pin it on David. It's a stupid plan that has no benefits for anything or anyone, really. They *think* it'll help the alliance in case Day/Kevin win HOH tonight so that they can get them to target David. Nicole was very excited to do this plan tonight and even said, and I quote, "it's almost like we're playing the game". Oh, and if you see her acting sad in the DR voting Ian out, and saying "It's with a heavy heart I vote to evict Ian", that's all planned. She wants to look like a good person, while doing a devious plan. The TV-Only viewers will eat it up, I'm sure. 

Okie dokie, the show has started so let's get to it!

8:00pm ET:
Show begins....

The Votes:
Christmas votes to evict...IAN
Enzo votes to evict...IAN
Davonne votes to evict...TYLER
Cody votes to evict...IAN
Kevin votes to evict..TYLER
Memphis votes to evict...IAN
David votes to evict...TYLER
Nicole votes to evict...IAN

Evicted from the BB House is:


8:47pm ET:
Julie talking with Ian. She said he exited with class (*I agree.) Julie tells him this is the first time sitting down with her, his first time being evicted. Julie asked if Ian was surprised at the 5-3 vote, he said no and that he tried to campaign as long as possible. Ian said it was harder to play this season vs his last season 8 yrs ago.

Tyler spilled the beans about The Committee alliance in his goodbye message. Nicole said she's in an alliance but didn't name names. 

8:57pm ET:
Time for the HOH Comp! It's a puzzle. Dani is NOT playing 

Julie just said that a "BB legend will move into the "neighbors house" (huh?? lol) to shake things up. I have no idea what that means. 

HOH Comp did not finish on the live show. No idea if it'll be on the feeds yet. Hang tight.

UPDATED: Okay, not on the feeds. Grr. I'll update once the feeds come back on. It might be a couple of hours if they're waiting for the West Coast airing to be over with. 

Still no feeds as of 10:43pm ET

No feeds still as of 11:35pm ET. I gotta go to bed for work in a little bit, so if they're not back real soon, I'll update around 7am ET when I wake up. :)



  1. Another season where people are scared to make big moves. Ugh.

  2. I just can’t believe how two-faced Nicole is.

    1. It's really amazing how she can fake cry and then shit it off in an instant

  3. How long is Dani's power good for?

  4. I stopped watching after the 2nd eviction- i only read your blog weekly - big brother needs to either end or really make some changes bx yesrly they are losing fans!

  5. There is buzz that The Neighbors house is actually this years Jury House! Ian is the legend moving in! That would be a fun twist...

  6. Memphis won HOH.. assuming he’ll go after David again. Dani should use her power to secure herself this week with Memphis.. use it for him if she doesn’t see the block..

  7. Do you think one of the jurors could come back in the game?

    1. No because Ian now knows too much information on the alliances...that wouldn't be fair if he returns..

    2. Prior to this eviction, Julie told the outgoing houseguest about alliances in the house. She didn't do that this time, in fact she revealed nothing. It was Tyler's goodbye message that gave the information. So, a jury buy back is not out of the question.

    3. Sounds like that might not happen. But also it isn't unfair. Be careful what you say because it can haunt you in BB. 🤷‍♂️

    4. Goodbye messages are part of the game, so I don't think that's why he can't return (i.e. Julie didn't tell him anything). They might just not have enough weeks. Would likely need to add a 2nd double eviction or a triple eviction like we have I. Canada.

  8. Memphis? Ugh was hoping for Davonne or Kevin to shake things up a little.

  9. Aaargh! Memphis needs to go. He grosses me and my family out! Did any one watch Bayliegh on YouTube? She doesn't hold back on her experience in the house. It was a good watch

  10. This has been a very disappointing season


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