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Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday: Nominations Ceremony Spoiler

The HG's had their Nominations Ceremony today and...

Nominated for Eviction is:

Today is also Kevin's birthday. What a crappy birthday for him. 

Earlier today, Memphis talked to David and told him that he'd be safe this week if he doesn't use the veto if he happens to win it. David agreed. They shook hands. What was that all about? I have no clue. lol

Memphis has been playing a lone-wolf type of game all season, where he doesn't tell his plans to anyone and just kinda does whatever he wants. So I have no clue what he's doing and/or who he's targeting. All of us fans were sure he'd go after David, up until he told David to keep the noms the same if he plays in veto and wins it. So yeah...I have no clue what he's doing. *shrugs*

In other news...
I'm not gonna be around as much this week, but I'll definitely still be around. Basically no more Overnighters this week, unless something actually happens worth blogging about.

So this week, I will only be blogging:
BB Neighbor Twist thing (whenever that happens this week)
Saturday's Veto Comp
Monday's Veto Ceremony
Thursday's Live Eviction and HOH Comp
...and anything major that happens in between.

So with that being said, I'll be back tomorrow with the Veto Comp Spoiler! If you've been looking to take a break from the feeds, this is the week to do that. lol We still have half of this season to get through. So go out and enjoy your weekend! Have a great Friday night, y'all!! :D


  1. I havent had to comment for a few years, but I got my live feed from you years ago. I have been subscribed to you for years. I remember crying "with" you over real world issues in your life, and getting excited over your triumphs.

    You have went into "I'll post when something matters" mode before, but to think you are already in this mode, THIS early, in an "ALLSTAR" season...well that shows this isnt an All Star season at all. I'm surprised and proud of you for holding on as long as you have. Hell, I'm surprised JULIE even still shows up 3 days a week for this!!!

    Either way, love what you do as always. Spend this time fine tuning the new home. We understand!

    1. Thank you sooooo much for your comment! :D big hugs from Wisconsin! It's definitely not an all stars, it's a "we need a cast" season lol it's been so tough to blog due to lack of game play, the toxic HGs, the rasiscm, the mocking of Ian's autism, the predictably for 7 weeks.. It's too much. Definitely gonna use my time wisely with putting the house together this week. (been hard juggling work, blogging and sorting through house stuff) Thank you for joining me through my trials and triumphs, that means so much to me!

  2. Julie shows up lol have 2 months free of feeds wont be paying for this but great work Jamie

  3. it's sad that it's been such a predictable bore - thanks for keeping us caught up!

  4. I'm rooting for Day! She's the only one playing the game.


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2) It's real simple: speak your mind, but be respectful at the same time. :)

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