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Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday: The Overnighter (Lite Edition)

Good morning and Happy TGI-Friday!! Last night was the HOH Comp and the feeds didn't come back on until after the West Coast airing of BB. So who won?

Winner of the HOH is:

Yayy another boring week. *head desk* Memphis will be putting up David/Kevin for his noms this week, with David as his target. Meanwhile, The Committee wants Kevin out. So we'll see what happens. The only Basement Powers still left in play is Christmas' (The Blocker, where she could block a vote) and Dani's power that will allow her to play in the HOH Comp back to back, even if she's the outgoing HOH. Well, since she didn't use it last night, I think it's dead in the water at this point since she'll be playing for HOH next week like everyone else. I also don't see Xmas using her blocker power unless she gets named to go on the block (doubtful). I'm actually okay with these noms, since David adds nothing to the game and same thing with Kevin, although his reads on the house happenings have been much better the past week compared to the first 5 weeks of the season. It'll also force the majority alliance to turn on themselves even sooner by getting out yet another pawn.

In other news...
Julie mentioned something about a "legend" being a neighbor, or something like that. I'm not sure when that will happen, but BB fans have two theories on what this could be: either Zingbot or it could be that the jury house will be "next door" and be "neighbors" with the cast, which would make sense to keep everyone in the same covid-free bubble. Other than that, this week will probably be boring as all heck. Ho-hum.

And last but not least...
Apparently there was a little bit of a drama last night while the feeds were off. David was "screaming" because of something that was said that was possibly "derogatory" (to him I believe). The drama happened after Day/David made Cody/Xmas Have Not's for the week. Hopefully they show it on the show and/or more HG's talk about it today (but BB will probably just block it from the feeds anyway, so who knows what happened.)

Okie dokie, today is the Nomination Ceremony, so I'll be back later on to confirm the noms for the week. Until then, I hope y'all have a great Friday and have a great weekend planned to do something fun!! :D

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