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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Final HOH: Part 2 Winner (Spoiler)

Happy Sunday Funday, y'all! Yesterday was Part 2 of 3 for the Final HOH. We had Enzo VS Cody and...

Winner of Part 2 Final HOH is:

Enzo was pretty upset with himself for losing and truth be told, he should be..but not for losing the Final HOH; for not making any moves this season to help him win against different HG's at the end. I guess Derrick's pre-gaming worked afterall and Cody/Nicole will be the Final 2. 

Who do you want to see win? We'll watch Part 3 live on Wednesday's Season Finale! I'll be live blogging it as usual, so meet me back here for the live 2 hour finale at 9pm ET Wednesday October 28th and bring your snackies!


  1. What a horrible season. I won’t even be watching the finale

    1. its been horrible, i agree. I'll watch the finale for ya if you want a quick recap and not subject yourself to 2 more hours of this season lol

  2. No doubt Cody wins this game. He was a
    Competition beast and had a great social game. I think the jury will reward him for his play and the fact Nicole is a previous winner may hurt her chances with the jury.

  3. So we can pretty much skip the end of a boring season? This blog has had more excitement.

    1. its been a very boring season. so frustrating. :( but glad the blog was more entertaining! lol

  4. I would like to see Cody win. I think Enzo might get America's Favorite?? Enzo had a good social game but like you said, made no big game moves. Sadly, it was a pretty boring season!!

    1. As much as I love Enzo as a person, I dont think he'll get AFP. I think the online polls has it between Tyler and Day, with Ty being in the lead.

    2. That makes sense. Tyler is a likeable guy!!

  5. Replies
    1. yep. but ehh..he deserves to win imo. him or nicole. everyone threw their games for/to him for some odd reason.

  6. Game 3 is usually a big memory game isn't it? If that's the case, Nicole could totally pull this out and leave Cody in 3rd. IF that happens, I think she'd totally deserve to win... laying low until she needed to win and then pulling out all the stops.


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