Hey guys & gals! The blog for the NEW BB SEASON is up and running! See y'all over there!!!

Hey guys & gals! The blog for the NEW BB SEASON is up and running! See y'all over there!!!
Happy Live Season Finale Day!!!! We made it! This season started off so exciting, so messy and so full of promise. Then we quickly figured out (thanks to Keesha getting the first boot of the season) that this might not be a good season. lol Week after week, we watched as our favorites got picked off one by one. Keesha...Janelle...Kaysar...Davonne...Ian...ugh. All of them were punches to the gut for us BB fans. I know a lot of y'all bailed out on the this season after Janelle/Kaysar/Day left, and I really don't blame you. It was a hard season to watch and impossible to blog, as nothing happened on the feeds to blog about. No strategy, no backdoors, no blindsides, no power shifts, no nothing. I'm not sure what we witnessed this season, but it was not the game of Big Brother. Despite that, I tried my best and I am so thankful for everyone's support with donations and signing up for the feeds through me this season!! THANK YOU!!!
Tonight, we will watch Nicole VS Cody in Part 3 of the Final HOH. Whoever wins Part 3 will decide who to take to Final 2. From there, it's up to the jury. Who will win BB22? We'll have to wait and find out! We'll also be finding out who will win America's Favorite Player. (According to Twitter, seems to be a close race between Tyler and Davonne.)
Okie dokie, get your snackies ready and let's watch the season finale of BB22!!!
9pm ET:
Finale begins...
Winner of Part 3 Final HOH is:
Evicted from the BB House is:
Jury Votes:
IAN voted for...CODY
DAY voted for...CODY
KEVIN voted for...CODY
DAVID voted for...CODY
DANI voted for...CODY
Winner of BB22 is:
CODY WON 9-0!!
Winner of AFP is:
And thats it!! Thanks for being with me again this season and I'll see yall next Summer for BB23!!! :D
Hey guys & gals! The time has come for my seasonal 'what I've been up to/Thank You' post. This is always my favorite blog post of every season, since it allows me to connect with y'all a little bit.
What a year, what a year! My husband and I just celebrated our 3 yr Wedding Anniversary a few weeks ago and we just bought our 2nd house a couple months ago. We had just bought our first house 2 yrs ago and didn't plan on selling it so soon, but the housing market has been so crazy that it was too good to pass up, especially since we've been hard at work doing minor renovations on the house. My favorite reno on the old house was the basement/rec room. We had just finished it about a month before listing it for sale. Here's the before/after pic: (..with Benny's tushy in the 'before' pic lol)
So needless to say, we spent the first half of this year preparing the house to go on the market. Also, I had caught covid in mid-March and that knocked me down for a solid month. Not fun. (Took me 4 months to fully recover.) So those 2 things overlapping each other was a little rough.
But before all of that happened...
My grandma had passed away this January. :( She was an angel on earth and the biggest positive influence in my life. That amazing woman is the sole reason I am who I am today. All of her love, all of her support, her always believing in me, her encouraging me, her being my biggest cheerleader in life...I am beyond honored to have had so many wonderful years and memories with her. I will cherish them all and I miss her every single day.
*sigh* The fur kids! Y'all are probably wondering about the fur kids! They're great!! Still spoiled rotten, as every dog should be. Here's a pic of Brianna asleep with her face buried in their toy bin lol:
Benny and Brianna are both 3 yrs old now and still act like two crazy puppies. I keep wondering when the day is gonna come that they'll calm down a bit, but I have yet to see it. haha They keep me on my toes, that's for sure. Brianna is a strong independent gal, as Benny is a cuddler and clingy. They are polar opposites of each other in personality, but they are truly the best of friends. Two peas in a crazy little pod. My babies.
In sad news, my cat Boo Boo, that I've had for 14 years, passed away about 4 months ago. He hadn't been feeling well, so we took him to the vet one day and that's when we found out that he had a huge tumor in his belly. Considering his age, the size of the tumor, and how sick he had been, we made the decision to put him to rest. I held him, kissed his head several times, cried and he passed away peacefully in my arms. My little buddy. :(
He was also Bella's best friend all her life.
Soooo...that's been my 2020. Death, covid, moving, and blogging. Ups and downs, such is life. What does the rest of the year hold? Well, we will see! I plan on finishing unpacking and organizing stuff that I didn't have time to do yet and celebrating my 40th birthday in a couple of weeks yay!! The big 4-0!! I don't feel anywhere near that "old", though. haha It's crazy.
To all the supporters of the blog....
I want to say a huge THANK YOU for your amazing support this season! Wow, you guys were absolutely amazing!!! Every single donation, every single feed signup through the blog...it's only because of YOU guys & gals that supported the blog that I was able to be here again this season! I could not have been here without it, so thank you so, soooo much!! Your support is so appreciated!!
And that's it for this post!! Thanks for reading it, thanks for being with me for yet another season, and thanks for all the love y'all have shown me this year and continue to show me every season. Much love right back to you guys and gals! I'll see you all back here on the blog on Wednesday for the Season Finale!
Jamie :)
Happy Sunday Funday, y'all! Yesterday was Part 2 of 3 for the Final HOH. We had Enzo VS Cody and...
Winner of Part 2 Final HOH is:
Enzo was pretty upset with himself for losing and truth be told, he should be..but not for losing the Final HOH; for not making any moves this season to help him win against different HG's at the end. I guess Derrick's pre-gaming worked afterall and Cody/Nicole will be the Final 2.
Who do you want to see win? We'll watch Part 3 live on Wednesday's Season Finale! I'll be live blogging it as usual, so meet me back here for the live 2 hour finale at 9pm ET Wednesday October 28th and bring your snackies!
Happy TGI-Friday, guys & gals!! The HG's played their Final 3 Part 1 comp late last night and...
Winner of Part 1 Final HOH is:
This means that Part 2 will have Enzo VS Cody. Winner of that part 2 will battle vs Nicole. Whichever HG wins Final HOH will then pick live on the air on Wednesday which HG they wanna take with them to Final 2.
So far, it's not looking good for Enzo but he has 1 more shot. As we know, Cody and Nicole will take each other no matter what, so the only exciting thing would be for Enzo to win it and have a shift in plans for once this season. lol
Part 2 will either be played today or tomorrow. When it happens, I'll update the blog. Have a great weekend y'all!!
Happy Thursday, everybody! We're just one week away from the Season Finale on October 28th. Tonight we will watch Xmas get evicted, leaving Enzo/Cody/Nicole to compete in Part 1 of the Final HOH! It'll be an endurance comp, unless they're changing things up for some reason. I don't know if it'll be on the feeds or not, since we missed a ton of stuff on the feeds this year.
So get your snackies and meet me back here at 8pm for the live eviction show!! :D
8:00pm ET:
Show begins...
8:38pm ET:
Evicted from the BB House is:
Here's our F3, guys & gals!